Mixed Flower Bouquet Large


This flower bouquet is a tasteful composition of a beautiful mix of different flowers. The gorgeous combination of colours include pink, red, white and green, orange and more. This makes it the perfect gift for any occasion. It is great for someone who wants a small gift for friends or family. Floral arrangements always seem to accentuate the beauty of any occasion. Whether it's a housewarming party, engagement, anniversary or any other celebration, floral arrangements are often appreciated by guests and the hosts for their bright colours, picturesque presentation and pleasant aroma.

Our Toronto flowers and gifts delivery service ensures that your gift is delivered on the date planned. All orders must be placed before 11am to ensure delivery on the same day. We can deliver to any address in the Toronto downtown and GTA, such as offices, condos and residencies. Order online and leave the delivery to us and have it delivered directly to the doorstep of the recipient.

We attribute all the right qualities to help make your flower ordering experience enjoyable. From florists and flower delivery services, namely fast and efficient order processing, large online selection, premium quality plants and flowers, stellar customer service and world's freshest flower delivery.