Lavender Roses With Spa Box

The Lavender Roses With Spa Box Includes: 

6 MIXED PURPLE ROSES-This bouquet contains 6 mixed colored roses of lavender. Mixed with some greenery and possible other colors that compliment it elegantly, this is a gorgeous addition to a spa gift basket. They can unwrap and enjoy the beauty of the flowers by placing them in a vase and on display anywhere around the home.


CASA CANDLE-A summery and ocean scented candle that creates an inviting and warm aroma. Place and light this candle in any setting to create a calming ambience and enjoy the perk of a wonderful fragrance.

EXFOLIATING GLOVE-Essential for spa gifts, this exfoliating glove can be used for all showers to remove dead skin cells and keep your skin looking healthy and glowing.

RUE DE MARLI BATH SALT-Bath salts are great to nourish the skin, relieve aches and help with stiffened muscles. Enjoy a bath with calming bath salt infused into the water to create a well needed, relaxing feel.

LAVENDER BATH SALT-Take a bath and use this lavender bath salt to create an infused lavender scent that should create a calming and relaxing aura. It will help with stiffened muscles and ease pains.

NAIL BRUSH-Use this nail brush to clean and remove dirt or particles on your hands and nails. It is a useful tool to maintain cleanliness. 

LAVA STONE-This lava stone is used to exfoliate rougher parts of your skin to leave it feeling hydrated and new.

DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENT-On the outside of this box is a mixed, mini, dried flower arrangement consisting of different types and colored flowers. They are elegant, beautiful and create a wonderful touch to complete the gift. It makes the gift box pop and look extra intriguing.

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