Two Dozen Birthday Roses Mixed Colour

Nothing beats receiving a beautiful, vibrant, colorful and uplifting bouquet of roses. Send roses to Toronto to celebrate any special occasion including birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, graduations or housewarmings. Let someone know you are thinking of them during a significant milestone or time in their life, by ordering and surprising them with flowers. Our Toronto flower delivery can have flowers delivered to any business or residency in the city.

24 Mixed Roses Bouquet - A beautiful mix of 24 different colored roses including shades of pinks, purples, oranges, peach, lavender and yellow. This can be placed in a vase within the home or office to liven up the room with decor. Warm colored roses create a calming and soothing aura which will help relieve stress, while looking stunning and exuding a splendid aroma.

Send roses bouquets to friends, family, co-workers, bosses, neighbors and more to let them know you are thinking of them during a significant time. Same day flower delivery on orders placed before 11am. Flower arrangements are an excellent way to connect to your loved ones even when you cannot be with them physically. A thoughtful gesture to send someone flowers is a genuine intent which makes the gift extremely valuable and sentimental.

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